7:00 - President – calls the meeting to order.
Introduce the leader of the flag salute
Welcome and introduce guests
Introduce the Toastmaster
7:05 - Toastmaster – "Theme"
Introductions of Roles
General Evaluator
Table Topics
Vote Counter
Introduce Speaker 1
Speaker # 1 Name
? manual – Project #? - Objective
5-7 Minutes
Title: "The Title"
Ask for Feedback for Speaker - 1 minute
Introduce Speaker 2
Speaker # 2 Name
? manual – Project #? - Objective
5-7 minutes
Title: ”The Title”
Ask for Feedback for Speaker - 1 minute
Call for the vote for best speaker
7:25 – Introduce Joke Master: Name
7:26 - 10 Minute Break
7:35 Toastmaster:
Introduce the Table Topics Master
7:35 Table Topics Master – Name
Introduce topic theme
Select members who don’t have a role 1st
Ask guests if they want to participate
Time for Table topics (1-2 minutes)
Call for vote for best topic speaker
Return control to the Toastmaster
7:45 Toastmaster:
Introduce General Evaluator: Name
7:46 General Evaluator Introduce evaluators for each speaker
Introduce Speech Evaluator 1 - Name
Evaluating - Speaker #1 Name
Introduce Speech Evaluator 2 - Name
Evaluating – Speaker #2 Name
Call for vote for best evaluator
Call on timer
Call on grammarian
Evaluate the meeting
Return control to the Toastmaster
7:56 Toastmaster - Awards
Call on vote counter for the awards
Present the awards
Return control to the president
8:00 President Closing
Invite comments from our guests
Go over next week’s agenda
Business and announcements
8:15 President Adjourns meeting