Sunday, June 19, 2011

Clear Direction

Darlene was our Toastmaster.

When defining words Keith doesn't obfuscate, which is a good thing since "obfuscate" was the word of the day. It means to cloud. confuse or bewilder.

Our incoming President, Dan Flick, was our topic-master. He wanted to know as a club, who are we and what are we trying to do. He also asked for suggestions on how to grow and wanted to know about a club marketing plan. He wanted answers that gave clear direction not answers that obfuscated the listeners.

The always clean shaven Keith gave the club a looking into the long history of shaving, from the caveman to today's resurgence of shaving with a straight razor.

Mike gave us a humorous look into the customer service policy of Safeway. He told stories of escorting customer around the store and letting them sample goodies.

For a list of who is doing what at our next meeting on June 23rd go to Schedules and Roles.

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