Thursday, December 23, 2010
Big Words
Our Toastmaster Theressa Frasch, noting that it was the anniversary of publication of the first American dictionary, used Noah Webster for the day's theme. Webster, as well a bringing out the first US dictionary, also published the first America spelling book, and was a lobbyist helping to created our country's copyright laws.
If you have to do a presentation at work our club is a great place to practice. That is what Bang Parkinson did. The club acted as the school board while she did a PowerPoint presentation on bringing a new copier system to the school district.
Another great thing about the club is the things you learn. Roger Wells shared his knowledge of the development of the calender with the club. If you worry about the Ides of April. Beware on April 13th not the 15th.
Mike DeLeon brought three words of the day. Ultimate, Penultimate, and Antepenultimate. Ultimate is the last in a series, the end, whereas penultimate is the second to the last in a series and antepentultimate is the third to last.
See you all next year! For next year's schedule see the Schedules and Roles page.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Infused with Veteran's Day
Our next meeting will be Thursday, December 9th at our usual meeting spot. For a list of who is doing what see our Schedules and Roles page.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Give Me Liberty
Carrying along with the theme Jean Schmidt brought us the word "Freedom".
Kieth Weir gave a speech where he talked about the different stages of Halloween. He spoke how as we age we change our view of the holiday. Roger Wells in a speech titled "Why Do They Do It?", he wondered people feel they have to exagerate their public resumes.
Since Keith was also Table Topics Master, members had a chance to express opinions of Halloween duringTable Topics.
Our next meeting is November 11th which is Veteran's Day so ERAC will be closed. We will be meeting at Infusion Tea & Coffee (15607 1st Ave So). See the Schedules and Roles page for who's doing what.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Change in Venue for Veterans Day
Infusion Tea & Coffee
15607 - 1st Ave S
Burien, WA, 98148
They have a nice room we can meet in and good coffee, tea, and breakfast items we can purchase for our break. It will be a fun break from the usual! Invite your friends for a spot of tea and a speech :-)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Icebreaker
We got a preview of the area speech contest when three of the contestants, Roger Wells, Theresa Frasch, and Darlene Burrill practiced their contest speeches. The practice paid off. All gave much improved speeches and gave great performances. Darlene brought home the 3rd place trophy in the Humorous Speech contest!
For next week's schedule be sure to check the "Schedules and Roles" page.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Laughter Galore!
Our last meeting was our club's humorous speech contest. We have a great contestant in Roger Wells. He entertained the club talking about the adventure in growing old. The winner of our topic contest was Darlene Burrill.
Agenda October 15th
Toastmaster.......................................................................Mike DeLeon
Pledge................................................................................. Bang Parkinson
Speech 1 (Ice Breaker)..................................................... Michael Reid
Speech 2 (Contest Practice).............................................Roger Wells
Speech 3 (Contest Practice).............................................Darlene Burill
Speech 4 (Contest Practice).............................................Theresa Frasch
Food and Joke....................................................................Jean Schmidt
The Area 41 Contest is the next day (Friday the 15th of October at ERAC) Be sure and come because it means a lot to the speaker to see some familiar faces.
Area 41 Fall Contest
Friday, September 17, 2010
A Serendipitous Meeting
If you had an occasion to use the word "serendipity" after our meeting that was serendipity, a marvelous coincidence. Roger Wells brought us the word serendipity.
Since last week was the start of school our topic master Mike DeLeon asked us to talk about some of our school memories.
With an election coming up Kieth Weir used the occasion to give a speech on referendum 52. He was able to fit it into the TM manual lesson 9 speaking to persuade. Jean Schmidt spoke from the advance manual and talked on how Toastmasters changed her life.
September 23rd is our club humorous speech contest where we will chose someone to represent our club at the Area Humorous Speech Contest.
Toastmaster......................................................... Jean Schmidt
Food and Joke..................................................... Mike DeLeon
Contestants.........................................................Roger Wells and Kieth Weir
Evaluation will be on a round robin basis.
If any one else would like to participate feel free to prepare a 5 to 7 minutes humorous speech
Friday, September 3, 2010
Seattle Summer Was Not Ubiquitous
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Getting Ready for Our Open House
Actually, what we are doing is getting ready for you! We are making name tags and guest packets. We're preparing speeches and food. We're getting ready to show you what a Toastmasters meeting is all about.
Two of our members are going to give speeches, we'll play Table Topics, we'll evaluate ourselves on how well we did and then get ready to do it again next week. We'll leave plenty of room at the end of the meeting for questions and answers so you can ask away!
So, won't you please join us? We promise it will be a fun morning - and of course there will be coffee! At the break we will even serve a light breakfast. Bring a friend and see what Toastmasters is all about.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Using the Opportunities We Are Given
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest
Our Club’s Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest will be held at our next meeting - September 23rd.
The purpose of a speech contest is to provide an opportunity for speakers to improve their speaking abilities, to recognize individual Toastmasters as an encouragement to all, and to provide an opportunity for all Toastmasters to learn by observing speakers who have benefited from their Toastmasters training.
Each contest focuses on a particular set of skills, providing a terrific opportunity to learn about a specific area of communication. Many wonderful benefits accrue to those that participate.
- Contestants are afforded a wonderful opportunity to improve their skills in preparing and delivering a speech in a competitive environment
- Members not competing are provided the opportunity to learn by observing speakers who have benefited from their Toastmasters training
- The audience is provided an interesting educational program, entertainment, and FUN! This is a good time to invite guests.
- For the Fall Contests – everyone who is a member can participate! It doesn’t matter whether you have given 1 speech or 100.
Contests are held twice a year, once in the Fall and once in the Spring.
- Each of these contests begins with the Club Contest 9/9/10
- Club winners compete at the Area Contest (approximately 5-6 competitors) 10/15/10
- Area winners go on to the Division Contest (approximately 5-6 competitors) 10/22/10
- Division winners compete at the District Contest held in conjunction with the District Conference (seven competitors per contest in District 2) 11/13/10
The Table Topics Contest features a 1 to 2 minutes response to a question posed by the Contest chair. Contestants are taken from the room and each is brought into the room and given the same Table Topics question. No contestant hears the question or anyone's response prior to their turn on stage. They are judged on how well they respond.
The Humorous Speech is 5 to 7 minutes in length. Humorous speaking, which must be substantially original. Any quoted material must be identified during the presentation. The speech must be a thematic in nature (opening, body, and close) and not be an act or a monologue. It should be "clean" humor; avoid objectionable language, anecdotes, and material. Vocal variety, gestures, and speech content all play a part in a successful humorous speech.
In the Humorous Speech Contest the speeches are judged using a different set of categories, which include how well humor was used. Judges evaluate contestants with a rating system on a wide range of criteria. These rating scores are summed into a single score. The score is used to define a ranking of the top-three candidates. A count is used to determine the winner from the rankings. Each contest has a special tie-breaking judge, who ranks all candidates; this ranked list is used to break any ties in the contest..
Please plan to participate in our upcoming contest. If you have any questions, comments, and inquiries – please direct to Area 41’s Contest Chair – Sam Clemmens at
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Oh No! I'm the Toastmaster!
More Than Just Public Speaking!
You can hear all about what makes Toastmasters a great organization by listening to this podcast by Bruce Bulloch.
Summer Time!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Getting to Twenty
- Have a BBQ with a competition in storytelling, joke telling or bring in some politicians
- Put fliers up at the library, in your apartment complex, at the market, coffee shops, at work (We have a great flier - attached - print it out and spread the news!)
- Have a guest speaker with some controversy (like FDR impersonator - Does anyone know a local controversial celebrity or such)
- Think of 3 guests you could invite and why - Jessica chose Jay, he is an early riser and a businessman - a good combination for our club
- Thinking ahead to our club Humorous Speech contest - let's publicize it in the B-Town blog, in the Highline Times, let's play up FREE food (maybe have a special breakfast for the event), everyone bring a guest, special invitations to past members
- Some other things to try that Xandria brought up - Open House, doing another community event (Mercado Latino on Sunday afternoon anyone?), talking to local businesses
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Burien Breakfast at the Block Party
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Let's Go On Vacation!
We got off to a great start of the new Toastmaster year with an installation performed by our Area Governor Steve Kennedy.
Getting right into Toastmasters, our newest member Keith took over the duties of Toastmaster. His theme was rejuvenation of spirit. July being the kick off of the vacation season Mike, our topic master, wanted the group to share some vacation ideas. Our word of the day was "consanguineous" an adjective meaning having a common ancestry.
In a speech using facial expressions and body language Roger talked about growing old. Theresa led a mini discussion about changing the meeting agenda. It was decided to have our business portion at the end of the meeting. Dennis Bauer a guest speaker, who will be giving a seminar on storytelling, spoke on enhancing your speeches with stories.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Summer Seems Intangible
It's official summer started on June 21st and Mike our toastmaster took the opportunity to tell the club about some of the traditions and history surrounding the celebration for the summer solstice. Our newest member Keith brought us the word of the day, "intangible". an adjective meaning that which can not be touched easily defined, formulated or grasped. Better speaking is an asset from being in Toastmasters but some of the advantages are "intangible". In a world that is becoming more diverse, out topic master Roger had us opining on cultural differences we encounter. The first speech in the manual, the icebreaker, affords us the chance to get to know new members better and in his first speech before the club we had a chance to meet Keith. In a speech emphasizing body language Jean entertained the club with the trials and tribulation on her recent trip to Italy.
A big thank you to Theresa for making our new name placards. As well as having our names on the front, they also have a chart of our manual progress on the back facing us urging us on to complete those manual projects.
July 17th is Olde Burien Days and Area 41 will have a booth touting Toastmasters. This will be a great opportunity to bring some new people to the club. Think about volunteering on that day.
July starts Bang's new term as President. By the enthusiasm from her new officers, Educational VP Jean, Membership VP Theresa, Secretary/Treasurer Mike and Sargent-arms Keith it looks like it should be a great year. Be sure and come as Area governor Steve Kennedy installs the new officers.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Burien Breakfast member is in the News!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Toastmasters Leadership Institute
Graduation - the Start of Something New
Saturday, June 12, 2010
New Officers!
Frequently Asked Questions
When and where are the meetings?
There are educational sessions occurring at 7am on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month from 7 to 8:15 AM at 15675 Ambaum Blvd. S.W. Burien, WA 98166.
How much does Burien Breakfast Toastmasters cost?
Dues are made up of Toastmaster International and local club dues: $32 paid every six months, in March and September. Memberships established at an interim period are on a prorated basis. For first time Toastmasters there is an additional one time fee of $20 which includes two manuals and other materials.
What is the time commitment required for participation in Burien Breakfast Toastmasters?
The club meets twice a month on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 7:00 to 8:15am. Attendance and participation are the cornerstones of the learning process, yet in our club we are very understanding and flexible about unexpected work conflicts which cannot be avoided.Depending on your needs you should expect to spend a minimum of 5 hours+ per month including attendance and preparation.
Who are the members in the Burien BreakfastToastmasters club?
We are a community club from a variety of different backgrounds and ages. Since many of the members are using Toastmasters as a tool to improve work performance (i.e. teaching, one on one, leading meetings, giving presentations, communication, public speaking, and leadership skills, etc.), a common understanding helps us help each other improve these sought after work and life attributes.
What are the benefits of joining this Toastmasters club?
This club is a safe, secure environment to build confidence in the following areas: alleviate fear of public speaking, practice presentation skills, learn to better persuade and convince others. It also helps its members think more quickly on their feet and is a good place to network with others with similar interests.
What are the meetings like?
The meetings are an hour and 15 minutes long. A typical speech meeting consists of two to three speeches (5-7 minutes each) and the evaluations of the speeches (2-3 minutes each), as well as Table topics which is an impromptu speaking topic that provides members a chance to speak at random for 1-2 minutes each.
How can I learn more about Burien Breakfast Toastmasters and what it has to offer?
A Typical Burien Breakfast Meeting
Our meetings run from 7:00am until 8:15am. The format is usually the same for each meeting unless we are having a special meeting or the Toastmaster wants to change the format.
At 7:00am the President calls the meeting to order and welcomes everyone. When we have guests our club president will have each member give a brief introduction - if time permits.
The Toastmaster - will have a theme for the meeting and set the stage by calling for the thought of the day and introducing his or her team.
The Grammarian - offers a word for the day and listens for good and poor grammar. We try to use the word of the day for all speaking parts of the meeting.
The Timer - keeps the meeting running on time. Most speeches are for 5 - 7 minutes in length. The evaluations are 2 - 3 minutes and table topics (impromptu speaking) run for 1 - 2 minutes.
The Vote Counter - gathers and tabulates the voting after each portion of the meeting. At the end of the speaking portion of the meeting he or she will hand out the awards with the Toastmaster.
The Table Topics Master - involves members who don't have a speaking role in the meeting by asking them a question and have them get up and answer it.
The General Evaluator - evaluates the overall meeting.
The Evaluators - work with the speakers and will give them a written evaluation if a speaker is working from one of the manuals. Additionally, each evaluator will give a speaker an oral evaluation.
The Speakers - will deliver a presentation of their choice. The manuals all have clear objectives but the speaker selects the topic.
An average meeting will have 5 - 7 table topics followed by two speeches. Then the Toastmaster leads his or her team for the evaluation portion of the meeting by introducing each of the evaluators and then by asking for reports from the grammarian, timer and hand out the awards with the vote counter.
The speaking portion of our meetings is usually completed by 8:10 am. The Toastmaster will return control of the meeting to our club president.
The president will ask for feedback from our guests, announce the schedule for the following week and handle any remaining club business.
Your First Visit
Park in the ERAC parking lot and enter through the double doors. Follow the signs to Burien Breakfast Toastmasters.
You can contact Theresa at or (206) 588-5088.
We look forward to seeing you!
How Do I Learn? - Competent Communication Manual
Competent Communication Manual
This manual, which has 10 speech projects, is the first step in the communication track. It helps develop your speaking skills one step at a time. Every project builds upon what you learned in the preceding project.
As you prepare and present each project speech you'll learn the importance of organization, how to use body language and voice to convey your message, select the right words and use visual aids.
You also learn how to speak persuasively and inspire others. An evaluator will give your feedback on each speech you present and help you to improve.
When you complete this manual you are eligible for Competent Communicator (CC) recognition. Complete the CC application in the manual and ask your vice president education to submit it online to World Headquarters. You'll receive a CC Certificate and, if this is your first CC award, two Advanced Communication manuals free of charge.
The ten projects are designed to help you grow as a presenter. They are:
- The Ice Breaker (
- Organize Your Speech
- Get to the Point
- How to Say It
- Your Body Speaks
- Vocal Variety
- Research Your Topic
- Get Comfortable with Visual Aids
- Persuade with Power
- Inspire Your Audience
Each project has a clear set of objectives but you select the topic! You can click on the Ice Breaker link to download that project.
This information is provided from the Toastmasters International site at: